* KSA Club News *



    ***ATA*** There will not be trap on the following dates
  • Nov. 27th, 2025 (Thanksgiving Day)
  • Dec. 4th, 2025 (1st Week Deer Season - Rifle)
  • Dec. 25th, 2025 (Christmas Day)
    ***Rentals*** Price increase! Rentals are now $100 for members, and $150 for non-members.
  • Nominations for elected positions were held at 7pm - Jan. 15th, 2025
  • Elections will be held: Feb. 19th, 2025
  • President Nomination:
    Lester Ott
    Vice-President Nomination:
    Darryl Mincemoyer
    Secretary Nomination:
    Matt Bikle
    Treasurer Nomination:
    Rich Yeager
    Executive Director Nomination:
    Terry Little



    ***ATA*** There will not be trap on the following dates
  • July 4th, 2024 (Independence Day)
  • Nov. 28th, 2024 (Thanksgiving Day)
  • Dec. 5th, 2024


  • Election Results
  • President:
    Lester Ott
    Darryl Mincemoyer
    Matt Bikle
    Rich Yeager
    Executive Director:
    Terry Little


  • Nominations for elected positions were held at 7pm - Jan. 17th, 2024
  • President Nomination:
    Lester Ott
    Vice-President Nomination:
    Darryl Mincemoyer
    Secretary Nomination:
    Matt Bikle
    Treasurer Nomination:
    Rich Yeager
    Executive Director Nomination:
    Terry Little


  • Nominations for elected positions will be held Jan. 17th, 2024
  • Elections will be held Feb. 21st, 2024



  • There will be no Open Trap November 23rd, 30th, or December 6th.
  • There is no Club Meeting for December. Next Club Meeting is January 17th, 2024. Nominations will be held for Club Officers.
  • 2024 Membership applications were sent out by eMail to those with legible email addresses. This saved the club roughly $700 in stamps. If you have not received an application, you can download one from the website, or email secretary@keystonesportsmenassociation.com for more information.

05.17.23 New By-Laws are currently posted at the Club House and under 2023 By Laws Draft. Please review before June 21st.

05.17.23 We found someone to run Steel Challenge. Please see updates on Steel's webpage.

05.17.23 We currently do not have any Steel Challenge matches scheduled for 2023.

03.28.23 We are currently seeking a new Match Director for Steel Challenge. Match Directors must an existing member within good standing. Please contact our secretary Matt at secretary@keystonesportsmenassociation.com, or spot by our April meeting on April 19th @ 7pm.

03.19.23 Come out to KSA for Big Game Dinner on April 8th. $8 a person. Featuring Wild Boar


08.02.22 Come out to KSA for the Open-To-Public shoots.Tueday nights for open pistol shoot & Thrursday nights for open trap, dm


03.04.21 The next monthly club meeting will be Wed., March 17th. Election of Officers will take place at this meeting. dm

01.30.21 --Meeting Cancelled due to weather--Next Club Meeting will be February 17th 7:00pm. Final round of 2021 Officer nominations, then Election of Officers for 2021. Try to make this meeting and vote. dm


12.26.20 PISTOL SHOOTERS...If you would like to ring in 2021 with a 8-stage Steel Challenge match, head over to Buffalo Valley Sportsmens Assoc. on Saturday Jan 2nd. Four stages in the morning & another four in the afternoon. Visit BVSA facebook page for addtl details and Practiscore to sign up. dm

11.30.20 Next club meeting will be Jan 20, 2021, 7:00pm. dm

11.18.20 All remaining trap events & clubhouse rentals scheduled for 2020 are cancelled. Trap events to resume 2021. dm

06.15.20 No club meeting on June 17 due to many members attending a shoot in Elysburg. See you in July.

05.31.20 Thanks for waiting - WE ARE OPEN.

03.30.20 Events are suspended until further notice due to COVID-19.


11.21.19 Thanks for a great year. No more club meetings until January 15, 2020. See you in the new year.

No Open trap on November 28 for Thanksgiving or December 5 for Deer season.

11.20.19 Now Available!!!! 2020 Trap Dates

06.28.19 Welcome Letterman Outdoors as a new sponsor.

06.19.19 Sorry for the late notice. There will be no Club Meeting tonight (June 19, 2019) due to lack of officer quorum.

Don't forget to follow our twitter account for late-breaking news: https://twitter.com/KsaUpdate.

03.20.19 Club meeting tonight at 7:00 PM. Nominations/Voting for your 2019 Club Officers.

03.08.19 March 9 3Gun and March 10 Steel Challenge matches are cancelled. Range conditions are not permissible for a safe match. Ice and significant snowfall persist in the bays and access road.

ANNUAL GAME DINNER Get your tickets for the 2019 Annual Game Dinner and Shoot. The dinner starts at 11 AM on Saturday March 30th. Contact Terry Little, Lester Ott, or Ron Wertman for Tickets. If you have game meat you would like to donate, please contact Terry or Ron.

02.20.19 Due to inclimate weather and road advisories, club meeting tonight is CANCELLED. Nominations and election will occur in March.

02.01.19 No Steel Challenge match this month. Looking to start up again in March.

01.16.19 Club meeting tonight at 7:00 PM. Nominations are open for your 2019 Club Officers.


08.15.18 - August Monthly Club Meeting Canceled The August meeting is canceled due to officer's inability to quorum. Next monthly meeting is Sept. 19.

08.09.18 - 50th Anniversary Celebration Open House Please consider joining us for our 50th Anniversary Celebration on August 11th from 11:00-3:00 with a free pig roast being served at 1:00 PM. Check out our flyer!

The Rifle, Pistol, Trap ranges will be CLOSED during this event with the exception of shooting events currently on the schedule (weather and pit conditions permitting).

There was an article in the Milton Standard Journal on Saturday, July 21st if you're interested in it. There will be a few community groups coming to the event so please take the time to see what they have to offer. As a retrospective, there is a double-sided picture display set up inside the clubhouse. Take time to come and look at memories from the past 50 years and share any pictures or memories you have with the members in attendance.

Please Check in / Sign in at the main table to receive your meal ticket.

Don't forget to check out the BIG 50th-year raffle! If you have not purchased your tickets yet, please come out and support us with either a direct purchase or a gladly appreciated donation.

We look forward to seeing everyone on August 11th for our celebration.

08.08.18 - This weekend's 3Gun (Aug 11th) and Steel Challenge (Aug 12th) matches are cancelled. Due to the amount of rain sustained over the past few weeks, our access road and pit areas are washed out and in need of repair. Please bear with us as we develop a plan to restore the facilities to shoot worthy. Please check with the match directors or this news page for any further developments.

07.15.18 - Sunday's Steel Challenge Gun Match on July 15, 2018 is Cancelled. Due to the number of withdrawal requests and direct messages citing the rain, we are cancelling the match because of a severe front moving through our area and the duration of the predicted rain. We apologize to those shooters willing to share your time with us and hopefully, we will see you in August.

05.11.18 - Saturday's 3 Gun Match on May 12, 2018 is Cancelled. Due to the severe front moving through our area and the duration of the predicted rain, the pit areas will not be ideal/safe to perform the type of movement required for this designed match and its challenges. We would rather err on the side of safety and provide a fun enjoyable match for all. I'd rather make the decision now so that you may make alternative plans for your Saturday. I appreciate you wanting to share your time with us and hopefully, we will see you next month.

03.05.18 - Match Links for this weekend. See you at the range.

3Gun - Saturday, March 10 @9:00 AM

Steel Challenge - Sunday, March 11 @1:00 PM (Don't forget to set your clocks ahead)

03.02.18 - Legislation Alert --- NRA-ILA | Pennsylvania: Semi-Auto Ban Legislation to be Introduced. -Gary Hoy

02.08.18 - The Steel Challenge match scheduled for Sunday Feb 11th is canceled. The pits are inaccessible. Next matches are scheduled for March, weather permitting.

01.16.18 - The KSA Annual Game Dinner will take place on Saturday, March 31. Start time is 11:00am. Bring your appetite and some shotgun shells and enjoy the day. The sign-up sheet is in the clubhouse. -mince

01.12.18 - Now available --- 2018 KSA ATA Booklet. See you at the next ATA shoot. -mince

1.3.18 - With regrets we are cancelling the ATA event for Saturday January 6th.

1.1.18 - Happy New Year! We look forward to seeing you at the club as we celebrate 50 years.

11.17.17 - With regrets we are cancelling the IDPA event for Saturday November 18th. This was our last scheduled IDPA match for 2017, so be sure to keep an eye on your emails in the spring of 2018 for our first match announcement. If the weather cooperates and we have access to the pits we will try to start up again in March.

09.20.17 - It's time to renew your KSA annual memberships. Click here or go to bottom of page to print out your 2018 membership application forms. - mince

05.12.17 - With regrets we are cancelling the scheduled events for Saturday May 13th. This includes:

• FN 3 Gun

• NRA High Power Rifle

Sunday's Steel Challenge match should continue provided winds and rain leave the pits usable.

Please pre-register at: https://practiscore.com/ksa-may-2017-steel-challenge-scsa219/register to ensure you receive any cancellation notices.

You may also follow @ksaupdate on twitter.

Stay safe, stay dry, and hug your mom!


03.20.17 - REMINDER!!!! MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!!! Come out Saturday, April 1st, for the KSA Annual Game Dinner. Enjoy some good food & a few rounds of trap. 11:00am-5:00pm, Dinner @ 3:00pm. Limit 60 people. Sign-up in the clubhouse.$5.00/person -mince

03.16.17 CANCELED: KSA Open Trap for March 16. The trap houses are currently buried.

03.15.17 We don't think it will be a surprise to anyone that Saturday's IDPA match has been cancelled due to snowfall. There is just no way we will have accessible shooting bays on Saturday. Our next match is scheduled for April 15th. Hopefully the weather will be a little kinder by then. Please note that IDPA matches will now begin registration at 9:00 with hammer down at 10:00.

03.11.17 We can't seem to catch a break with the weather. Wind chill temps will be between 10 and 13 degrees tomorrow. Trigger control works best when you can feel your fingers and we cannot set up enough portable heat stations to ensure the health and safety of shooters and staff. After consulting today's brave 3Gunners and the match staff, it's in the best interest to CANCEL Sunday's match. This is a disappointment as we have canceled several this winter. We look forward to shooting with everyone in April.

03.10.17The NRA High Power Match is CANCELED due to weather. See you in April.

03.10.17The crazy 3Gunners are still holding thier match and will now use the rifle range too. Sign up here: Practiscore March 3Gun Signup

02.11.17 - The printable 2017 calendar is available. Download from the site calendar or from this link: Printable 2017 Event Calendar

02.11.17 - The STEEL CHALLENGE match scheduled for Sunday Feb 12 is CANCELLED due to range conditions. We've been checking it over the past few days and it would be unsafe to conduct a match in the pits. The road to the pits is covered in ice, and the pits are one big skating rink. The thaw and refreezing is only going to make it worse for Sunday. We will try again in March. In the meantime - someone take out that groundhog.

02.10.17 - KSA is hosting a Hunter's Safety Instructor Course presented by the PA Game Commission on Tuesday Feb 28 from 7-10 PM. Contact Lester Ott or Nick Hesman for more information.

01.15.17 - MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!!! Come out Saturday, April 1st, for the KSA Annual Game Dinner. Enjoy some good food & a few rounds of trap. 11:00am-5:00pm, Dinner @ 3:00pm. Limit 60 people. Sign-up in the clubhouse.$5.00/person -mince

12.16.16 The 2017 ATA Registered Trap Program is available now. -mince

12.14.16 Pistol events for Dec 17 and Dec 18 are cancelled due to weather.

10.06.16 USPSA Night Shoot results are posted.

Results are posted on our website: http://keystonesportsmenassociation.com/USPSA/2016/10-02/index.html

As well as on Practiscore: https://practiscore.com/results/new/26763

What Fun!

09.14.16 FNH 3Gun and Steel Challenge results from this past weekend are posted.

IDPA this Saturday Sept. 17. Register here: https://practiscore.com/ksa-idpa-september-17-2016/register.

08.03.16 Just a reminder that the FNH 3 Gun match has moived to August 13. Steel Challenge will be on August 14.

06.30.16 Just a reminder that the Clubhouse, Upper Pistol Range, and Rifle Range are closed today for the training event. Open Trap will proceed at 5PM as scheduled.

06.21.16 Join us for a small USPSA match tonight: https://practiscore.com/ksa-uspsa-longest-day-2016/register. Hammer down at 5:30 PM, $10 to all shooters.

06.19.16 Keystone Cup Results: https://sites.google.com/site/thekeystonecup/results2016.

06.08.16 Wednesday shoot for June 8 is cancelled due to weather, upper pistol range is still OPEN. Attendance is not at the point to justify volunteers standing out in bad weather for 5 hours Next Wednesday shoot is June 22nd.

05.18.16 There have been some recent changes to the club calendar that you should be aware of.

GENERAL - Wednesday Pistol Shoots: These are currently cancelled until further notice. We are working on establishing some back up resources for these dates since there is an interest. Tuesday night open pistol continues to run weekly. Stay tuned for a revised Wednesday schedule.

MAY 22nd Youth Event: This youth event has been cancelled due to limited interest. The Youth group will restructure the event for later in the summer.

MAY 30th - ATA: ATA will not shoot on Memorial Day. The shoot that weekend is only Saturday May 28 and Sunday May 29.

Reminder for those shooting at the club the weekend of May 20-22. There is a private event at the clubhouse on May 20 and 21. IDPA will hold event registration outside of the clubhouse (eiuther on the porch or in the pits). The IDPA match this weekend is the annual classifier. This is your last opportunity to shoot a required classifier match (without alternative arrangements) prior to the Keystone Cup in June.

04.05.16 - Come out this Saturday, April 09th, for the KSA Annual Game Dinner. Enjoy some good food & a few rounds of trap. -mince

03.07.16 - FNH 3 GUN (March 12, 9:00 AM)

Its the beginning of the season... you want to lug ALL of your gear to the range. We have an excuse to do it... The first FNH 3 Gun match of the Season!

Here is the link: https://practiscore.com/ksa-3-gun-march-12th-2016/register

Plan on bringing the following amounts of ammunition:


  • Rifle: 75
  • Pistol: 75
  • Shotgun: 50

You read that correctly, That's what Derek says you need. It's going to be a nice, compact four (4) stage hose-fest of lead. From what I hear, you will see the Texas Star.

Cost: $20 for KSA Club Members / $25 for non-KSA Club Members. Direct all questions to Derek Steward.

03.07.16 - Cold Steel Winter League Match #3 (March 13, 10:00 AM)

We will run two relays again. One at 10:00 and one at 1:00. We will have the whole range to play on and play we will. There will be 4 Steel Challenge stages including Outer Limits and Speed Challenge. These two stages are rarities because of the space required. We'll shoot these on the rifle range. In the pits, we'll have two more Steel Challenge stages and a USPSA Classifier. Meet at the clubhouse for logistics and squadding.

League members shoot free (since you already paid for it), USPSA Classifier is $3.00 if you would like it sent in. Walk-ons are welcome. Cost is $10.00 for your first gun and $5.00 for additional guns (subject to squad availability).

01.02.16 - Keystone would like to thank all the members for their help & support during 2015. We hope to see everyone in 2016 for another successful year. - mince

12.09.15 - NRA Basic Range Safety Officer Course. We now have the registration link for the January 30th  NRA Basic Safety Officer Course hosted by KSA.  Use the following link to register: NRA Basic Range Safety Officer Course (Jan. 30, 2016).

Click here for the instructor flyer.

12.08.15 - There is a known bug with older versions of the Mozilla Firefox browser displaying the KSA calendar. We are working on a resolution to correct the issue for the small number of users with this browser.

10.22.15 - Please note, the Steel Challenge Match has moved from Nov 7 to Sunday Nov 15.  This will be the last steel match in the pit area for the season.  We hope to see you there.  Four stages, multiple guns allowed.
--Don’t despair.  We have some winter matches coming in a league format with prizes. ***Stay Frosty!*** -Mark

10.20.15 - Attention Pistol Shooters, There is a 6:00 PM meeting before the regular 7:00 monthly KSA meeting on 10/22, please attend.

10.08.15 - Due to the cancelled High-Power Match on Oct 3rd, there will be a make-up match on Sunday, Oct 18th @ 11:00am.

09.08.15 - Attn: Multi-Gun Shooters!!! Derek Steward will be running a Multi-Gun / 3Gun match on Sept 12th at 9:00 am.  Registration opens at 8:00 am in the clubhouse.  The match will utilize all three gun type in accordance with the FNH 3 Gun rules.  For a copy of the rule set, click here This link was inaccurate when the match announcement was sent.

Minimum round count is as follows:
Pistol: 35
Shotgun: 34 (birdshot only)
Rifle: 50

Come and try it out!”

09.08.15 - Attn: Steel Shooters!!!  Sunday Steel returns in September.  Come on out on Sept 20th at 1:00 PM for four stages of bell-ringing bliss

08.15.15 - Reminder that there is a steel shoot on Saturday August 15th.  This will be a Steel Challenge oriented format of four stages (two classifiers).  Multiple guns are welcome (including rimfire rifles).  We are looking to add some Sunday matches in Sept/Oct.  We will also start a winter season on Saturday November 7th.  Come on out for some fast shooting fun.

08.15.15 - Good News: KSA is extending the 3-Gun season through October.  We’ll have FNH rules based matches on Sept 12 and Oct 10.  These will be of the shorter, sport-oriented format you have seen recently.  Hope to see you there!  We are also making plans to add this as a regular match during the 2016 season

07.19.15 - Saturday July 25th join Aaron Loreman for an NRA Highpower match.  He’s hot off the fields at Camp Perry and has lots of stories to share.  The match will be standard match with a Mini Palma side match to follow.  M2 ball ammo for Garand shooters is available ($10 bucks will get you an entire match worth).  Ammo is in limited supply.

07.19.15 - Sunday July 26th is a club work day.  We’ll be starting at 8:20 in the pistol pits clearing brush and performing general cleanup. We’ll also be relocating one of the wood piles at the clubhouse area to provide more room for upcoming classes and events.  Our focus will shift in the afternoon as we regrade the pit road and install water diverters.  Come and give a hand.

07.12.15 - Attention Shooters!  Big Weekend for Events.

IDPA match on Saturday July 18th at 9:00am.  Christmas in July match
Electronic Registration Link:

Steel Challenge on Sunday July 19th at 1:00 PM.
Running all six (6) classifier stages.
Electronic Registration Link:

Hope to see you there!

07.05.15 - Attn: Multi-Gun Shooters!!!Derek Steward will be running a Multi-Gun / 3Gun match on July 11th at 9:00 am.  Registration opens at 8:00 am in the lower pits.  The match will utilize all three gun type in accordance with the FNH 3 Gun rules. Please consult the following link for a direct copy of the ruleset: http://www.lchico5u.com/fnh3g/rules.pdf -mince

06.18.15 - Come out Sunday August 2nd for the1st Annual KSA Open House Shoot-Out. Reg starts at 8:00am & shooting at 10:00am. Click here for more info. -mince

06.09.15 - This Sunday 6/14 is KSA's 1st KSA SCSA Pistol Match. This steel match is open to any pistol & begins at 1:00. -mince

03.26.15 - KSA Annual Game Dinner is being held April 4th. The sign-up sheet is in the clubhouse. -mince

02.21.15 - The Sunday, Feb 22, ATA Shoot has been cancelled due to bad weather. -mince

01.24.15 - Attention !!! Just a reminder, our "2015 Election of Officers" will be held at the Feb 18th Monthly Club Meeting. Be sure to attend this important meeting. -mince

12.21.14 - KSA would like to thank all the members & visitors for making 2014 a very successful year. We would like to wish members, friends & family a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. We hope to see everyone in the 2015 season. -mince.

11.01.14 - The 2015 KSA Calendar is now available. -mince

10.22.14 - Pennsylvania: 2014 Legislative Session Ends With Victory: After four years of effort, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives finally passed critical firearms preemption legislation. Please contact Governor Corbett and politely encourage him to sign HB 80 into law. More info -mince

09.15.14 - Come out and enjoy the 1st Annual Montgomery Vol. Fire Company's "Trap Shoot" at KSA on Sept 27th. Contact the Montgomery Fire Department for more info or visit https://www.facebook.com/MontgomeryVolunteerFireCompany

03.15.14 - KSA Annual Game Dinner is being held Saturday, April 5th. The sign-up sheet is in the clubhouse. -mince

03.11.14 - If you have not recieved your KSA Membership Card in the mail and you included a stamped envelope with your application, you can pick up your card at the clubhouse office during any listed club shoot. If you did include an envelope and did not recieve your card, please see or email Lester Ott. There is currently about 25 cards that have not been picked up.- mince

12.14.13 - Aaron & Vicki Loreman will share their African Hunt Pictures on Jan 15th @6:00pm on the wide screen. Come to the clubhouse and enjoy the pictures and stay for the first 2014 monthly club meeting. -mince

11.22.13 - Fall KSA Raffle winners: 1st place: Robert Kardine, 2nd Place: John Ginsburg, 3rd Place: Tracy Myers, 4th Place: Dennis Walker & 5th Place: M. Fidler. Congratulations. Winners will be contacted by phone. Thank you to all who participated in the drawing and if you didn't win, better luck next time. -mince

09.25.13 - If you were to the last club meeting you are aware the revised KSA Membership Application & Club/Safety Rules Form was approved and is in effect. If you're a new member or re-newing your existing membership, please read the application carefully as the submittal infomation & intructions have changed. If you have any questions, please contact Lester Ott. -mince

09.25.13 - The Pennsdale Gun & Sports Show is this weekend, September 28th & 29th. KSA will have a table there. - mince

08.25.13 - The sample revised KSA Membership Application and Club/Safety Rules Form are posted at the clubhouse. If you have input on any of these two documents please come to the next monthly club meeting. -mince

06.18.13 - The KSA 22lr Pistol Match is this Sat. 06/22. Registation will be down in the IDPA pits in the woods since an ATA shoot is going on this weekend also. Shooting at 9:00. -mince

03.16.13 - KSA Annual Game Dinner is being held April 6th. The sign-up sheet is in the clubhouse. -mince

02.28.13 - The Pennsdale Gun & Sports Show is this weekend, March 2nd & 3rd, and KSA has an opening to fill at our table on Sunday from 12-4. If your a club member and can help, please drop me an email at mince76@dejazzd.com Thanks - mince

02.18.13 - Dear Pennsylvania NRA Member:
Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, and other anti-gun Senators are pushing a proposal that would dramatically expand the current instant background check system by criminalizing private firearm transfers. They are using the misleading label of “universal background checks” to create confusion in order to pass this legislation quickly through the U.S. Senate.
Don’t be fooled. Any system that criminalizes private firearms transfers – whether between a grandfather and granddaughter, father-in-law and son-in-law, or two law-abiding gun owners who have known each other for years – is a direct infringement on your Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Further, criminals will never submit to such a system so it will have no effect on crime – and the only way to enforce “universal background checks” is to create a national registry of gun owners. Please email, write, AND call your U.S. Senators, Bob Casey and Pat Toomey, and ask them to OPPOSE this gun control scheme in addition to any bill that would reinstate a failed ban on semi-automatic rifles or magazines.
Contact Senator Casey at:
393 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-6324
Click here to email

Contact Senator Toomey at:
502 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-4254
Click here to email

12.30.12 - A word from Suzanna Gratia Hupp explaining the meaning of 2nd Amendment! Please watch and think about how you would react. -mince

12.03.12 - Pennsylvania: Attorney General-Elect Kathern Kane Does Not Support Your Right-to-Carry...click here to read this short write-up then take 5 minutes to send her your comments from the link at the bottom of the article. -mince

10.27.12 - Multi-Gun-- A third Multi-Gun Match has been added to the KSA 2012 Schedule for Dec 22th. For more info see the Multi-Gun page & monthly calendar. -mince

09.17.12 - Youth Winter Trap League rescheduled for Sept 30. Click for schedule and info. -mince

09.01.12 - Come out and shoot the next NRA High Power Match on 09/08. Pull that M1Garand out of the safe and shoot the John C. Garand Match at KSA. This match must be shot using M-2 Ball ammo. KSA will provide M-2 Ball ammo at the match for $5.00 per 50 rnds. See the KSA High Power page and KSA schedule for match info. -mince

06.27.12 - Nice job by Aaron Loreman, a KSA Trap Shooter, with the winning score of 98 in the Krieghoff Handicap Shoot at the PA State Shoot. Congratulations Aaron - mince

06.27.12 - Congratulations to the KSA 2012 Cash Raffle winners. Winners are 1. $500.00 - Gary Craft, 2. $500.00 - Jere Moyer, 3. $100.00 - Richard Shanner, 4. $100.00 - Steve Parke, 5. $50.00 - Mark Phillips & 6. $50.00 - Phillip Dorman - mince

06.19.12 - This Sat 6/23 is our 22lr Pistol Shoot. All steel targets. If you can, come early to help set up. Four divisions: semi & revolver w/ & wo optics. This is being held during an ATA Shoot so registration is in the pits 9:00am. - mince

05.17.12 - This month's May 19th IDPA Match has been cancelled. See you next month at the June 16th IDPA Match. -mince

05.05.12 - 2012 Game Dinner Pictures Anybody that wasn't there missed some good fix'in. Thank you, to all that pitched in with the food. See you next year. -mince

03.28.12 - Notice - There is no ATA Shoot scheduled for April 1st at Keystone. Disregard the April 1st KSA shoot date posted in Trap&Field. -mince

03.25.12 - Keystone Sportsmen attends WAHS Shooting Expo on Sat. March 24th Pics -mince

03.14.12 - "National Right to Carry Reciprocity Act of 2012” introduced in U.S. Senate on March 13th. Contact yout US Senator and ask them to Co-sponsor S. 2188 - mince

03.12.12 - Have you contacted your Senator in support of Senate Bill 1438. Are you in favor of this bill & know what it is? -mince

02.18.12 - The Pennsylvania House of Representatives has again postponed its second consideration of the NRA-backed House Bill 1523 - this time until the week of March 12. If enacted, House Bill 1523 would help eliminate the need for litigation by gun owners who have been unduly burdened by local ordinances which violate the current state firearm preemption law. Again, please call AND e-mail your state Representative TODAY and urge him or her to support HB 1523.  To find contact information or help identifying your state Representative, please click here. - mince

02.05.12 - 2012 KSA Game Dinner will be held Saturday, April 7th at the KSA Clubhouse. The sigh-up sheet is on the clubhouse bulletin board. $5.00 per person. -mince

01.29.12 - I have 5 life memberships for 300.00 that the NRA gave me permission to give at this price. The normal life membership is priced at 1000.00. If any of you are interested, please let me know asap. I must mail these by the end of Feb 2012. Gary Hoy

01.11.12 - NRA High Power Rifle - 2012 Rule Changes can be viewed here & under the KSA High Power tap - mince


12.12.11 - 2012 Shoot dates are now posted. Look them over and mark your calenders. 2012 Club Changes to note: Revised Club Rules (see the club rules page) the most note worthy is ".. Membership Card must be visible ...."; Revised Membership fees; New members are required to have a club member sponsor them (see app). - mince

11.29.11 - Update: H.R. 822 was approved 11/18 with a vote of 272-154. - mince

11.14.11 - National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act to be voted on in the U.S. House of Representatives this week!
On Tuesday, November 15, the U.S. House of Representatives will vote on H.R. 822, the "National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act." Please contact Representative Marino and urge him to vote for this pro-gun legislation. This important bill would allow any law-abiding concealed carry permit holder to legally carry a concealed firearm while visiting any state that does not prohibit concealed carry.
Please contact Rep. Marino as soon as possible and urge him to vote for H.R. 822, the "National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act".
Washington,   DC (202) 225-3731
Williamsport   (570) 322-3961
Email: http://www.capwiz.com/nra/issues/alert/?alertid=55111516

11.06.11 - 2011 Membership Renewals - If you haven't recieved your 2011 membership renewal via email it's because your email address was not ledgible on last years form. Please send an email off to Lester (see membership info) so he has your latest email info. -mince

10.09.11 - Is the "National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011" H.R. 822 important to you? Read more. - mince

09.11.11 - Please take time today to remember the victims of 9/11 and their families.

08.28.11 - As of Aug 27, 2011, House Bill 40, the Castle Doctrine is now law. This will permit law-abiding citizens to use force, including deadly force, against an attacker in their home and any place outside of their home where they have a legal right to be. It will also protect individuals from civil lawsuits by the attacker or the attacker’s family when force is used. -mince

07.11.11 - Next club meeting - July 20, 7:30-9:00pm. ATA Shoot this weekend July 16 & 17. -mince

06.22.11 - This weekend at KSA: ATA Sat 6/25 & Sun 6/26 and a Steel 22lr Pistol Shoot on Sat 6/25. Reg (8-9am)for the pistol shoot will be in the IDPA pits in the woods. Come shoot the all steel match. Small tweety's and rams from 10-25yrds -mince

06.11.11 - Come to the KSA Club Meeting this Wednesday (6/15). Come and see what's going on with your club. Start time 7:30pm -mince

06.06.11 - The 2011 Claybuster 300 was a great success this year. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves, from the fine breakfast at PSSA to the fine food at Watson Inn and the 300 rounds in between. Great food and shooting...doesn't get much better. A big THANKS to all the volunteers who made this happen again this year. Winners & Photos(coming soon). -mince

05.22.11 - Come to Keystone for the Memorial Day weekend Club Championship Shoots. May 28, 29 &30. See program for shoot info. -mince

04.23.11 - Anyone who is interested in preserving these shoots must call or write the Senate Appropriations Committee now! SB626 will become law if clubs do not let thier voices be heard. We can stop this bill in its tracks before it is voted out of the committee and into the House and Senate by phone calls and emails now. Tks, Gary -mince

04.16.11 - Pennsylvania Legislature returns to work on Monday, April 11 and HB 40 could be brought up for a vote at anytime. click for latest info on HB40 -mince

03.17.11 - Update on Senate Bill 273 - commonly referred to as the Castle Doctrine. This legislation provides justification for using force in cases of self defense. This bill overwhelmingly passed the Senate on March 8th and is now being reviewed by the House Judiciary Committee. Visit Senator Gene Yaw E-Newsletter for the lastest update -mince

03.06.11 - This week Keystone Sportsmen will be sending the best-of-the-best down to Mississippi. Yes, fresh pork for the Annual KSA Game Dinner. Sign-up in the clubhouse, the sheet is filling FAST!!! April 2nd, right after the NRA High Power Match (around 1:00p start) -mince

03.04.11 - We're making another run for it. House Bill 40 Pennsylvania House Judiciary Committee will vote Castle Doctrine Bill on Monday, March 7. Please contact members of the House Judiciary Committee today and urge them to support a Pennsylvanians right to self-defense by voting for HB 40. Contact information for the House Judiciary Committee can be found here.
Ready for spring...ATA registered shoot this weekend Sat Mar 5th ~ 100-100-100 & Mar 6th ~100-100-100. See you at Pennsdale Gun Show Sat, Mar 5th thru Sun, Mar 6th. -mince

02.08.11 - The next registered ATA shoot is the "Bacon Shoot" on Feb 19th & 20th. It should be warmer by then, right. Come on out and break some targets. -mince

01.28.11 - Keystone NRA High Power Season is coming up fast. Are you ready?? 2011 NRA High Power Rule Changes are posted on our High Power page. See you on March 12th. -mince

01.22.11 - Come out to Keystone Open Trap every Thursday night. Cure that cabin fever. Sure to be cool, OK cold, on the line but the clubhouse is very warm. See you Thursday -mince

12.26.10 - The Full Deployment of the World's Eighth Largest Army Goes Unnoticed.... read more "....they inflicted significant loss of life while incurring no casualties themselves." - mince

12.16.10 - Merry Christmas & Happy New Year !!! See you in 2011. ~mince

11.29.10 - The 2011 KSA calenders are how available for viewing and printing. All ATA, NRA High Power, IDPA & Multi-Gun dates are posted. The individual shoot information pages will be available as info is completed. Looks like a full year of shooting sports at KSA. -mince

11.29.10 - No big suprise, HB 1926 was vetoed by Rendell on Saturday the 27th. To read more about this from the Indiana Gazette click here. -mince

11.15.10 - Update on HB1926....Passed the Hse 161-35 this afternoon...How to Rendell's desk.
Please contact Governor Rendell ASAP and respectfully urge him to protect law-abiding Pennsylvanian's by signing HB 1926 into law.


The Governor can be reached at:

225 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120

Phone: (717) 787-2500
Fax: (717) 772-8284

11.09.10 - ALERT!! Castle doctrine vote is in jeopardy! (House bill HB1926) and (R33) "Castle Doctrine" amendment.
This language would allow persons to use deadly force in your home, or anywhere you leagally have the right to be, including your auto, without fear of being sued or arrested for wrongfull death or bodily harm while protecting yourself or family.
It is critical that you contact your State Representative TODAY and urge/demand them that they call on the DEMOCRATIC leadership to reconvene the House of Representatives and return to the "peoples business."

Gene Yaw- 717- 787 3280 Harrisburg
570-322 -6457 Wmspt.

Garth Everett- 717-787-5270

Senate Office- 717-705-6373

11.09.10 - Keep up-to-date on Legislation that effects YOU! NRA-ILA How about a Gun Ban in polling places!! Contact your county board of elections. Let them know how you feel about this.

10.25.10 - Last Multi-Gun shoot of the year is coming up this Saturday 10/30. Rifle & pistol only for this match. The match will be held in our four new pits and one stage in the woods. Plan on a min. rnd cnt of 105/50(rifle/pistol). Set-up 7:00am, Reg 8:15 & Shoot at 9:00am. Registration will be at the clubhouse. Rules Match Info -mince

10.3.10 - Thank You for who all came out to our Open House and all who stopped at our display/membership table at the Pennsdale Gun Show, and to all the workers that made this possible. Also, thanks goes out to all the local businesses and individuals that donated prizes for the Open House.
From: All the Officers at KSA

9.23.10 - If you've been thinking about getting into or back into a shooting sport or just looking for a safe place to shoot or sight-in your rifle, come to the KSA Open House this Sat 9/25 and see what KSA has to offer. -mince

9.18.10 - KSA IDPA NEWS - Congratulations to Forrest Lysinger for winning the KSA Club Championship. Nice job Forrest!! I hope all the shooters enjoyed the Anniversary Match and the new pits, at least 3/4's of them. -mince

9.16.10 - The new pistol pits are coming along good. Three are ready for the IDPA KSA Anniversary Match this Staurday 9/18. set-up 7:30, reg 8:00am & Match starts at 9:00. Lunch is provided afterwards. -mince

9.12.10 - The 22LR Pistol Steel Match scores and pictures are now posted on the KSA IDPA webpage. Great Shoot. If you missed this match, be sure to make the next one as this is a fun match. -mince

9.7.10 - 22LR Pistol Match this Saturday 9/11. Set-up 7:30, reg 8:00am & 9:00 start shooting. For more info contact Dennis Marshall. -mince

9.7.10 - Multi-Gun follow-up...If any of the photographers at the match would like to share some of the work, please email pics and I'll add some to the match info page. -mince

8.9.10 - IDPA Match Saturday 8/14. Set-up 7:30, reg 8:00am & 9:00 match starts. ATA Shoot 8/20-22. Reg 8:00am & 10:00am shooting. Multi-Gun Saturday 8/28. Reg 8:00am & 9:00 shooting. click Calendar for info. -mince

7.3.10 - Coming events: 7/10 NRA High Power Reg 9:00am & 7/17-18 ATA Trap Reg 9:00am. Check the Calendar for more shooting info. -mince

6.5.10 - NRA High Power Service rifle match Saturday 6/12, registration 9:00am. 200yrd reduced course of fire. Match info . IDPA SO Class Sunday 6/13. Please come out and take ths very important class to be able to help out with our IDPA matches and further your knowledge in IDPA. Space is still available. Contact Denny Marshall to sign-up. Spring Fundraiser Winners Congratulations to the winners and a thanks to all that contributed. -mince

5.12.10 - IDPA Match this Saturday 5/15. Setup 7:30, Registration 8:00am & 9:00 Match Starts. - mince

5.11.10 - A Thanks goes out to Mike, Garry & crew for all the work and time making the 1st KSA Multi-Gun Match a success. All the young and fit competitors had a blast(sorry). Randy was a little TOUGH on the rest of us. But, the match wouldn't have been the same if he hadn't made an appearance. Thanks also to all the fine competitors that lended a hand and time on clean-up. See you all for the next match Aug 28th. (PICS) by Drew -mince

5.4.10 - Multi-Gun Match: Join us this Saturday for our first Multi-Gun match. Registration/squading at 8:15. Shooting to start at 9:00. See rules listed on the KSA Multi-Gun page. Match info: contact Mike Bobinis @ 570-850-8494. -mince

4.18.10 - Open Handgun starts Monday 4/19 and continues thru Sept (see calander) 6-8:00pm . Open to members & non-members. Includes some target shooting, try some different handguns & ends with a defensive scenario. -mince

4.4.10 - A big thanks to all that helped make this another wonderful Game Dinner on Saturday. What a nice day to spend at the club....great food, open trap, 22 pistol 50/50..... Looking forward to next year. Pictures by Laura. -mince

3.30.10 - The High Power match time has been moved up to 0930 due to Saturday's (4/3) Game Dinner. If anyone is interested in shooting with us don't wait any longer, come on out this Saturday. The weather is sounding great Speaking of Game Dinner....besides the good food there will be open trap...22 pistol...rifle set up to try your skill. And if enough people bring there handguns, we'll have a small drill set up for you. If you have questions about ATA, IDPA or NRA High Power, someone will be there to answer your questions and get you headed in the right direction. -mince

3.24.10 - On April 11 & 25 we'll have One Practice Trap Open ( NON-ATA ) for the public in addition to the ATA shoot, #5 or #6 Trap, Go to that trap to sign up and shoot. Hours will be from 11 to 2 on Sundays only. -mince

3.10.10 - Dust off that Service Rifle, M-1, AR15 or MR... The first NRA High Power Match of the season is this Saturday. If your interested in joining in on the fun but lacking some equipment, don't let that stop you. We would be pleased to help you out with some temp equip for the match to get you shooting. See you there. -mince

3.7.10 - A Happy Birthday to our Club President...Ron Wertman. Have a great week Ron!!!!

3.1.10 - Pennsdale Gun Show is this weekend (March 6 & 7). Stop by the KSA table and pickup a few "spring drawing" tickets. They are also available at the clubhouse during shooting events. While your at the clubhouse be sure to sign up for the Game Dinner on April 3rd. -mince

2.18.10 - Open trap practice shoot Sunday Feb 21 11:00-2:00. This is in addition to the ATA match Sat & Sun -mince

1.23.10 - High Power Competitors, have you checked out the NRA High Power Rule Changes for the 2010 season? See the link on our High Power page. Two worth mentioning: 3.21 empty chamber indicators (ECI) required to show open bolt & clear chamber & 10.7 Rapid Fire procedures - no standing. -mince

1.10.10 - Jr Trap Shooters, mark your calendars- Jan 24th is a 2009 make-up day (1-3pm). -mince

12.22.09 - Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!! A big Thank- you to all the shooters that attended KSA 2009 events. Mark your calanders for next year's shoots and hope to see you in 2010. ATA-Jan 09-10....IDPA-Jan 16....NRA Highpower- Mar 13. Also, Jan 20 Club Meeting 7:30pm -mince

12.12.09 - All competition scores from 2009 are completed and may be found in the archives -mince

12.11.09 - Please stay tuned for club news updates

12.09.09 - Welcome to KSA News updates!


